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President's MessageHoward Ehmke is the 2023-24 FSMS President. January 2024“For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice.” —T.S. Eliot I would like to begin by wishing everyone health and happiness in this new year. This is an exciting time to be part of the society, as our membership and annual conference keeps growing. I would also like to thank and encourage all of you to continue participating in your local chapters. In this ever-changing world of technology, business, and innovation, these meetings help to bring understanding, comradery, as well as a sense of responsibility because you all play an integral role in the future of our profession. Jim Sullivan will be proctoring the next paper CST Exam at 1:00 pm on Monday, February 5th, 2024, at FAU (Florida Atlantic University) Room 103 in Building IS-4 (Instructional Services). If you are planning to take this exam, you must apply online with NSPS at least 3 weeks prior to the exam. Click Here if you need to apply with NSPS. Membership renewal for 2024 is still available for those still needing to renew. One of the new features this year is our new eLearning platform. You can now log in with your current FSMS username and password to access all of our eLearning catalogue. In addition, we have been working closely with Dr. Stacey Lyle on developing a Fundamentals of Surveying eLearning Course for those who would like to prepare themselves before taking the state exam. On April 11-12, 2024, we will have our Strategic Planning Meeting at Austin Cary Forest Campus in Gainesville, FL. Hotel and accommodation information will be available soon. Day 1 will be from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Day 2 will be from 8:00 am to 11:00 am followed by our Spring board meeting. If there is anything you would like us to consider during this session, please send your responses to our Executive Director Rebecca Porter, at [email protected]. Lastly, our next board meeting will be held this month on Friday, January 26th, in our Tallahassee office. Scholarship meeting to begin at 7:00 am. I am looking forward to being there and getting this year’s agenda off to a great start. As many of you have heard, Florida House Bill 1559 and Senate Bill 1786 have been filed in our state legislature. Legislative Committee Chair Jack Breed is gathering all the pertinent information on this and will be presenting an action plan for us to share with you very soon. For those interested in the proposed legislature, you can download HB 1559 here, and download SB 1786 here. This is why we have legislative programs and I want to encourage you all to continue to be active and engaged in the coming year. Thank you. Respectfully submitted. Howard J. Ehmke |