July 2020

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Many parts of our daily lives and normal business activities continue to be disrupted by our current public health challenges. However, some things are perpetual and unaltered. The July heat is here, so if you are working or playing outdoors, don’t forget to stay hydrated and take frequent breaks to cool down. If you’re going to be spending time outdoors tomorrow, start hydrating tonight!

Another perennial risk to health and safety continues to persist on the regulatory front – the ongoing saga of Ligado Networks. For those who are unfamiliar, Ligado Networks is a company which seeks to create a broadband network using a frequency which is close to the frequency range which GPS operates in. The reputable scientific consensus is that the proposed operations by Ligado will disrupt GPS functions at ground level and in the low atmosphere. Near the end of June, a new coalition of opposition to the Ligado proposal was founded. The Keep GPS Working Coalition (https://www.keepgpsworking.com/) joins powerful opponents of the proposal which include the DoD and FAA among others. Without belaboring the long history of the Ligado endeavor here, suffice to say that it is critically important for surveyors to become educated and to remain engaged regarding this issue.

On another technical topic, NGS has announced a delay in the full implementation of the upcoming NSRS Modernization effort. The current projection for full implementation has been shifted from 2022 to a likely 2024-2025 timeframe, but many of the deadlines for project input remain unchanged. The NGS statement and a link to further details on the delay’s impacts can be found here: https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/datums/newdatums/delayed-release.shtml

Closer to home, our annual General Business Session will be conducted online at 9AM EDT on Friday, July 24. Details for this session will follow soon, so keep an eye on your inbox and the FSMS website for information including the agenda and how to register to attend and get your educational credit for attendance.

Speaking of educational credit, our friend David Melvin will be partnering with us on July 9th from 11AM to 1PM EDT to present a 2 hour webinar on Building Diagram Selection for FEMA Elevation Certificates. Registration information for this seminar is located here: https://www.fsms.org/upcoming-seminars.

As a final thought, I’d encourage everyone not to get too caught up in the politics of pandemic. As surveyors, we rely on science and evidence to make our determinations in accordance with relevant laws. These philosophies and practices have kept our profession whole for a long time, and the same concepts strike me as equally applicable to the public health matter at hand. We need to keep every geospatial professional healthy and working!

Until next month, stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you at the General Business Session!