President's Message

Howard Ehmke is the 2023-24 FSMS President.

June 2024


Dear FSMS Members,

We are preparing for the 2024 Annual Conference in Orlando. My term will end at the completion of the Conference. I would like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity and honor to serve as president of the Florida Surveying and Mapping Society. The Society has had a great year.

We were blessed to have a good outcome of the threat to our profession. However, that fight is not over. We have to continue to be diligent to guard our professions. It is a shame that we cannot debate the merits of our profession, it has to be handled through politics.

We are blessed to have a great organization and great volunteers to fuel it. An organization is only as strong as its membership and volunteers.

"The role of most leaders is to get the people to think more of the leader, but the role of the exceptional leader is to get the people to think more of themselves. — Booker T. Washington

Respectfully submitted.

Howard J. Ehmke